Be sure and bring the Required Documents!
In order to travel across the border, the Homeland security agency requires the valid U.S.A. Passport to enter and exit the U.S.A.
For any questions please call (619) 739-4396 or toll-free 1-866-813-4999.
Transportation to our Holistic Dentistry clinic
For paid transportation to our Holistic Dental Clinic from San Diego, CA.
Alejandro Lopez /
From USA call 619 829 5354
Local number in Tijuana please call (01152) 664 188 0694
Recommended hotels in Tijuana area:
•Blvd Rodolfo Sanchez Taboada #9589 • Col Marron, Tijuana BC • C.P. 22015 •Tel. 664-478-9000 Press option #2 •
Across The Street From Doctor Ornelas Dental Clinic